Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Clock Is Ticking

I don't know how many "Tea-ers" read Dick Morris. He has a site and his newsletter are free. Below is a sample of his news letter and clearly this politically conservative man is excited about what he believes is happening for the GOP candidates. We find it helpful in a number of ways. His links to these candidates
So I know who and where to send money.

July 20, 2010

I have spent the last ten days out on the campaign trail in Colorado, Virginia, and Arkansas. Under the aegis of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative voter education group, I have been preaching the gospel that we cannot tolerate big spending liberals in Congress and that we need to elect conservatives who will oppose higher taxes.

The crowds and the enthusiasm have been simply amazing. One thousand in Denver. Four thousand in Arkansas. Fifteen hundred in Virginia. I have frequently worked in these states, but never have seen anything close to this level of commitment, interest and enthusiasm.

But it is worthwhile to review the individual races in these states. They are crucial and, combined, could give the Republicans seven of the thirty-nine seats they need to take power in the House.

In Colorado, Republican Cory Gardner, http://www.corygardner.com, has an excellent chance of defeating Democratic incumbent Betsy Markey. Democrat John Salazar, the Interior Secretary's brother, faces the loss of his Congressional seat in the western part of the state to Republican Scott Tipton, http://votetipton.com/fix-america, a businessman who has built a huge and successful business selling Native American crafts and art throughout the world. Tipton employs hundreds of Native Americans and, at the same time, helps keep their culture alive and make it marketable. In the Denver area, a young, articulate, charismatic, brilliant, black Republican Ryan Frazier, http://www.frazierforcolorado.com, faces Democratic Congressman Ed Pearlmutter. He has a good chance of winning and deserves our support. This guy could be our answer to Barack Obama!

In Arkansas, the situation is just as positive. Democratic Congressman Mike Ross deserves a special place in Dante's inferno for voting to pass Obamacare in committee, where his vote was the decisive one. Then, having passed on the opportunity to kill the bill when he could have, he blithely voted against it twice on the floor when his vote didn't matter so he could fool his district into believing that he is a conservative. His opponent, Republican Beth Anne Rankin, http://www.bethannerankinforcongress.com, - a former Miss Arkansas - amassed a very strong record getting federal grants for Arkansas and developing innovative programs for education. If there is one race that deserves your support - and needs your donations - this is it!

There are two Democrats in Arkansas who chickened out and retired. Both of their seats are likely Republican pickups. The more certain of the two is Republican Tim Griffin, http://www.timgriffinforcongress.com, who will likely win the Little Rock seat while military veteran and Republican Rick Crawford (he defused bombs in the Afghan area) will battle a career Washington Democratic staffer in the eastern part of the state. Give to Crawford at http://www.meetrickcrawford.com/. He deserves to win!

In Virginia, Republican State Senator Robert Hurt will probably defeat ultra-liberal Tom Periello, a Soros favorite. In a straight out contest of liberal vs. a conservative, Hurt needs support. Give to Hurt at http://www.roberthurtforcongress.com.

As the campaign unfolds, I will be sending these bulletins from the front to call attention to particularly deserving Republican candidates. I hope you will respond frequently and generously.

Like our country depended on it!

Enough said….BUT do you ever wonder why this kind of important information never appears on the national news media.

Come November…Come November, come with us and support these conservative candidates no matter where ever they are running.



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