hasn't been one day during the entire Obama presidency when as many Americans
were working as on the day President Bush left office."
nothing changed? Well, just about everything that is important has changed.
Hope and Change was promised… Change has come but our 'hope' in this young
President has all but vanished among many
- but not all….. We find our self
wondering why haven't all voters abandoned him?
A society without means to detect lies and theft
soon squanders liberty and freedom….
Most voters get
their information from friend and family
who, more often than not, get their information from news sound bites from the
liberal media. Simple example: Obama says the Republicans want to raise taxes on
the middle class and deny women health
coverage. Clearly lies…Media reports his
statement over and over and that
is what many voters begin to believe, then tell their friends.
This is how it was
done in the novel 1984 and in the thirties in and Nazi Germany leading up to
World War Two. Tell the lie over and over and soon it is believed. Did this
work in these two examples? You bet it did….
I just got back from
watching the film "Obama - 2016"… I had been hearing how good this
documentary film was and the impact it was having. The film ended and as the
audience walked out no one was talking. My wife and I weren't talking. We got in
the car and drove a good while before she broke the silence. She said,
"The country is lost," then started crying.
The film helped
connect the dots. Slowly the picture started forming as more and more dots
linked up. Obama promised that he would change this nation. He has done so.
What the film also does is to help us see the broader reaches of Obama's destructive behavior. Once he has made these
systemic changes he promised, we will
not be able to get back the country we grew up in.
I don't want to keep
rambling about this film.. Please, go see it.
"The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil
wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact
that there can be no compromise on basic principles."
What did we imagine
would happen as we watched political leaders of countries such as Egypt, Libya,
etc. fall? The Obama government and liberal media assured us this was a good
thing. People wanting freedom from their oppressors… Sounds good? You bet. Taking
down of these leaders left a big hole and surprise- surprise guess who jumped
in it.
What did we expect.
Who were the rebels who, not by themselves, overthrew their leaders? The answer
to the question is what we see… The 'vacuum' is being filled by conservative
Muslims and some radical Muslims with all their pent up hatred towards this country.
We have been supporting all of the leaders in all the mid-eastern countries for
years. Tyrants… buying each of them with American dollars that was used to
consolidate their power. We are
perceived as evil by people in this
region of the world. 1) Because of our historical support of dictators in their countries. 2)
Their religious beliefs say that non-Muslims are evil. There is a simple
directive in the Quran that says Muslims must convert or kill non-believers.
This is not a fringe group of radicals ideals. This is a corner stone in their
belief system. Certainly all Muslims don't practice or believe this in a
literal way…. However, there are more than enough that do take this directive
The time is well
past for us to question our foreign policy regarding the mid-east as well as
other areas of the world. These policies, for the most part, have been in place
for decades. The world has changed. We must decide if this old policy of
'buying' friends in government really is a good thing or just another failed
policy. If you look at voting in the United Nations all one hundred and eighty
six emerging countries always vote against us.
In general we are
not liked and are not trusted. They want us to keep sending them our billions
of dollars but not our policies or religion.
Closer to home and
back to the elections…uhummmm I somehow think the Tea folks are doing and have
done everything they can think of and will continue this for another 52 days. I
somehow think our candidate is not doing his part…. I think the polls are reflection
this reality. When you see polls that say the
average voter thinks that Obama will do a better job with the economy
and job creation than Romney you have to ask WHY? Why would they think this.
The answer lies with Romney and his conduct in this campaign and has nothing to
do with the economy or job creation.
The liberal media
from the liberal point of view did the right thing in driving Newt out of the
race early on. They knew this would be a close aggressive campaign and that
Obama had a really poor record to run on. Romney is not being aggressive and
the public has, through the help of the media, reinterpreted Obama's
When we get through
this campaign cycle I think we must find a way to replace all the local and
national GOP leaders. This group has morphed into the broader group of the
elite political class. For this group a government for and by the people is
simply a silly idea and certainly not part of their beliefs or goals.
I'm sure I just
missed it but has anyone heard any candidate say that they are running for
elected office in order to restore the government back to the people?
The question is so
naïve I don't know why I wrote it.
How long has the
people vs government or government vs people complaining been around?
Have we complained about this or that thing over the years but have we
fully appreciated or recognized what our government has become? We just keep hoping government would right
itself, get back to the basics, and move forward. Obama is the wake up call.
Who he is and what he believes is the sum of all of our complaints over
decades. He encompasses all of our lost of rights and liberties. Expanding a
wealth transferring government and impinging on every aspect of our private and
business lives. Although he is the tipping
point Obama was not around when the groundwork of transforming this nation of
one for and by the people to one of people for and by the government. This was
done by both political parties supported by an elite political class one small
step at a time.
A society without means to detect lies and theft
soon squanders liberty and freedom…
this said, we must consider our current president and try and understand who he
is, what he believes, and what his goals are before its to late. These
questions are the basis on the movie Obama - 2016.
From Dreams From My Father Obama says:
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at
the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was
ingratiating myself to whites."
"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive
sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."
"I never emulate white men and brown men
whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black
man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the
attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."
From Audacity of Hope Obama says:
"I will stand with the Muslims should the
political winds shift in an ugly direction."
few examples explain the morals and character of our President. He says what he
stands for and acts on his beliefs. It was all there for the seeing. He was out
front with his writing but not in his campaigning.
could keep quoting from Obama's writings but if we, as a people, wanted to know
who he was before we elected him we would have done our homework and read his
books. Obama - 2016 is that missing home work…..(Does anyone know how or why
neither of the Obama have a license to practice law in Illinois any longer?)
shame is to fall it should fall on us.
is a link to Rubio's speech at the national convention. I know everyone saw the
speech but I think its is a good reminder of how young leaders deport
themselves and how simply they can
express their beliefs and values.
I want to close this article on a positive note.
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