Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lunatic Fringe

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles…The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who at his worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

In this nation's history there have been many times of crisis where citizens came together to protect and serve the country. These groups have often been referred to as 'Grass Root Movements', always seen by the sitting government and the liberal media as the 'lunatic fringe.' Always discounted…Always demeaned…

Once again the nation is in crisis and once again the people have come together under the banner of the Tea Party….In a short time the Tea Party has impacted the House of Representatives and to a lesser degree the Senate. The establishment in Washington has responded in a way that establishment have in the past. They lash out. Recently our Vice President called the Tea Party members terrorist. We are taking away their power and I am sure that does terrify them and we ain't done…...

Like our vice president, our current president misjudges, it seems, who Americans are, what they believe, what they value, and the size of their hearts….He says we are not exceptional as a people or American exceptionalism in general. It sad that we have elected a man to the most powerful office in the world who appears to be actively weakening the nations standing throughout the world…Weakening the American economy..Financially weakening the core group of middle America. Taking away hopes of the lower economic population through social programs and educational system.

I think for some personal reasons, he and his wife need to see America and its people as less than exceptional. I know they are wrong and I take personal offense.

I'm going to take a minute to explain to them, remind myself, and others who we Americans are:

We are the rising of the rivers
We are the wind on the fields
We are the faces on the moon
We are the dust in the air
We are the tempest in the sea
We are the thunder on the mountains
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are the now
We are the light in the darkness
We are the darkness in the light
We are the river
We are the pathways
We are the moon and the mountains
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are the ticking
We are the back-when
We are the forgotten moments
We are the anger
We are the pain
We are the remembered
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are the first love
We are the smile
We are the warmth
We are the laughter
We are the joy
We are promise
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are the alpha
We are the givers
We are the passers-on
We are the builders
We are creative-deconstruction
We are omega

We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are we
We are hope
We are doubt
We are the wish
We are the thought
We are the forever
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are spring
We are summer heat
We are august moon
We are winter’s night
We are transition
We are time
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are
We are the warrior
We are the war
We are the transgressor
We are the transgressed
We are continuum
We are the ones before
As the ones before
And before
We are
We are the children
We are the grandchildren
We are the parents
We are the grandparents

We are we


We are the exception... There is no other group of people like us and never has been…History is strewn with foreign governments, state and national politicians, and presidents testing our courage, beliefs, and faith, over and over, each and all to their demise. (Jimmie Carter comes to mind along with many others.) I sense, maybe hope is more appropriate...Obama will not see a second term in office. For sure many of his cohorts will not be reelected.

Progressive liberalism is a code word for socialism…America is a representative democracy not a socialist democracy… The two descriptive terms look similar but are worlds apart. (People govern the government or government governs the people.) Over the past forty years our congresses and our presidents have, through small steps, moved our nation towards a socialist democracy. The tipping point into a pure form is socialism is no farther away than the 2012 elections.

We have had many TURNING point elections in our short history but 2012 has a unique place in elections because it is so directly tied to America and the American way of life…This is our shinning city…These are our freedoms…This is our home…

One last thought: We all want to believe our President wants this economy to turn around and he wants the unemployed to be employed. Old wisdom says that we should watch what a person does not what they say…In our history it has been in times of crisis that the federal government has grabed more controls over the people and the states.

In November of 2012 no deals will be struck and no quarters given. Mr. President, the people are coming….


PS: The opening quote was from a speech Teddy Roosevelt gave at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1910 and so apropos today….


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