I am reminded of the opening remark of the Gabriel Heater radio program during World War II… "Oh, there is good news tonight."
Bob Bennett walked into a Republican caucus a few days ago without a clue of how people in Utah saw him and were about to respond to his behavior in congress….One example: Bennett voted against the health care bill and introduced a health bill of his own. Ask yourself how a experienced three term Senator did not understand what the polls on health care were telling congress? I suggest it is because he had been in the Senate seventeen years. He was arrogant enough not to care what the voters thought because he knew what was the "right thing" to do and that’s what seventeen years in congress does to all of them.
I think it is a good thing that the press is blaming Bennett's loss to the Tea Party…(Maybe, that is better than suggesting he lacked the leadership skills needs for this time in his State/ Country's life.) .. However, I believe the Tea Party's effort and values played some role if not a major one…..I think as more of this kind of back lashing takes place in both parties the "always to be reelected good ole boys" will be posturing and promising to repent and quickly change their campaign rhetoric…..Question is will they be believed?
This information is from FOX NEWS. God bless them….
Republican U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah has been ousted in his bid to serve a fourth term after failing to make it out of the Utah GOP convention.
Attorney Mike Lee and businessman Tim Bridgewater are the remaining Republican candidates after Saturday's vote. After a third round of voting, neither nominee received 60 percent of the vote, so both will head to the Utah primary on June 22.
Bennett was a distant third in the second round of voting among nearly 3,500 delegates, netting about 27 percent of the vote.
Wiping away tears, Bennett called the political atmosphere "toxic" and said it's, "Clear some of the votes I've cast have added to that toxic environment, looking back with one or two minor exceptions, I wouldn't cast any differently, even if I knew it would cost me my career." (Those votes did cost him his career so why weep over it?)
The three-term senator was targeted by Tea Party activists and other groups for supporting the TARP, or Troubled Assets Relief Program.
Bennett isn't the only Republican lawmaker in trouble as other moderate candidates across the country find themselves being abandoned by GOP voters in favor of those backed by Tea Party activists, such as with Senate races in Arizona, Kentucky and New Hampshire. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist decided to run for Senate as an independent rather than face an almost certain primary defeat at the hands of Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio, Florida's former state House speaker.
DNC Chairman Tim Kaine emphasized the Tea Partiers' role in recent primary politics. "This is just the latest battle in the corrosive Republican intra-party civil war that has resulted in the Tea Party devouring two Republicans in just as many weeks," Kaine said. "If there was any question before, there should now be no doubt that the Republican leadership has handed the reigns to the Tea Party."
Bennett's seven Republican rivals contend he no longer has the credentials to represent "ultraconservative" Utah. Lee, 38, and Bridgewater, 49, have campaigned largely by saying they're better suited to pare down government spending than Bennett.
"I will fight every day as your U.S. senator for limited government, to end the cradle-to-grave entitlement mentality, for a balanced budget, to protect our flag, our borders and our national security and for bills that can be read before they receive a final vote in congress," Lee said in his convention speech.
The opposition to Bennett is specific, and can't be chalked up solely to a general anti-incumbency fervor. Neither of Utah's two Republican congressmen are at risk of losing their seats, and Republican Gov. Gary Herbert doesn't have any serious challengers. Bennett's vote to bail out Wall Street left many Republicans feeling he had become too much of a Washington insider. He's also come under fire for co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill mandating health insurance coverage and for aggressively pursuing earmarks.
In Arizona, Sen. John McCain is in a tough primary fight against former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, a conservative talk-radio host. In Kentucky, Rand Paul, the son of libertarian Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, is gaining momentum in his challenge against the GOP establishment's pick of Secretary of State Trey Grayson to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning. In New Hampshire, former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte is battling three Republican challengers to fill the seat being vacated by Republican Judd Gregg.
Pasted from
A few weeks ago in an article we talked at some length about the importance of Tea Party members attending caucuses. (Both parties.) Caucuses are places where candidates can be dealt with quickly and simply….Bob Bennett at the Republican caucus in Utah is a wonderful example of how simple it all can be. Now that said, Senator Joe Lieberman did not get the support of his party (dems) for his reelection and ran as an independent and won. Charley Crist in Florida failed with Republican voters in primary polls to Mario Rubio. He will now run as an independent and the current polls suggest his trick might work there as well.
Politicians strive to manage the perception of voters. With the liberal presses' support and carefully crafted "sound bites" this is achieved consistently. The November campaign is just beginning to gin up. Some candidates will wait as long as they can to see which way the wind is blowing. In Mississippi we have our own "always to be re-elected good ole boys." Our one senator holds the honor of getting more "pork barrel" money than any other senator last year….The other one isn't far behind him...(Note: The "art" of pork barreling was one of the negative issues in Utah with Bennett's demise. Pork barreling is about "trading" votes. I'm sure everyone know how this works but just in case an example is: A senator has a bill he/she is sponsoring. They know they don't have the votes to get the billed passed without more votes. So they go to another senator, say from Mississippi, and make him an offer, "If you vote for my bill you can attach a "rider" of 10,000 dollars for that statue you wanted of you Aunt on the lawn of the Governor's home in Mississippi." Now there are enough votes to pass the bill and the senators are happy. The senator who signed on and helped pass the bill is happy because he has funding for his aunt's statue or some other just as silly thing. Also, his behavior has some small group of voters happy ad beholding to him. Where will the 10,000 dollars come from you might ask. Well it always comes from the taxes paid by voters in many states who really know and don't care about the senator's aunt or any other special interest in Mississippi. Nor should they. Historically pork barreling was one of the major ways (schemes) congressmen and senators used to assure their reelection. This is a moral issue and it is wrong. The Health Care Bill has more pork barreling attached to it than any other bill in the history of congress. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi brought handing out the pork to a higher level of political art. Our "always to be re-elected good ole boys," were at the head of the line.
Come November… Come November, come with us to the polls and ALL together we will stand up for America and be counted.
Note: The Oxford Tea Party has encouraged readers to use the National Debt Clock. (Link below.) Take some time to look at each category on the Debt Clock to see what and where the information come from for each section of the clock. In the lower right hand sections count families and individual "debt" the government is accumulating from moment to moment. Keep a log by date...In the log jot down your debt and in few weeks go back and see how much more debt has been added. Do this every few weeks till next November. (What a lesson.)
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