Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Way of the Stick

Now is not the time for ease and comfort but time to dare and endure…
W. Churchill

Not such a long time ago, in the shinning city on the hill, there lived a group of men that strode into the darkest corners of the earth. Little about them was known. Few that met them understood them, but they became the leaders wherever they walked on the earth. The important thing that was known was they were men you just didn't want to mess with. They had a big stick. They walked softly. If you crossed them you put your life on the line.

Some of these men believed one thing and others believed something else. It didn't seem to matter who believed what and what each believed they believed with passion. Each stood on those beliefs. Each walked with those beliefs. They bumped into each other, they yelled and argued over the things they believed.
Each day as the sun set, there was something that pulled all back together around the dinner table to share bread and to thank God for their brothers.

There was a knowing and understanding and acceptance that was a bond that existed well beyond differences. Differences sometimes were seen as enriching and everyone added what they could to the dinner pot. To cross one was to cross all. To short change one was to short change all. These soft walking men got their stick and as one came after you.

In that long ago time, their government took care of government matters and these men took care of the Country. Like good stewards, they tended, protected and shaped both the land, their families, and their communities. There was no equivocation. There was no half-heartedness. Things were done with discipline, correctness, and a passion that reflected love and responsibility. Most of the men are gone but there are a few still with us. The few left, with weak voices, telling the stories of how things were and how they can be. With their stories discounted they are discounted, like the rubble of torn down buildings in our intercity. So scattered that no one can imagine the service they provided or to their reach into the sky. Somewhere in the rubble the building's placard is buried so no one can recall the builders, or its time, or its contribution.

Every society through out history has its own evolving history, its stories of the forefathers, values and beliefs the society developed, and passed on. Ours is a young society. Still arrogant, still undisciplined, still impulsive, and as destructive as adolescent boys.

Though older, but like young boys, this Congress and President are arrogant, undisciplined, impulsive, and destructive. Tearing down our laws, discounting our beliefs, reshaping our health care, pitting one group against another, dividing a country of brothers. Being reelected through scheming, conniving, plaquaking, lying, manipulating are tools in this high stake poker game. These tools have worked well for them in our past. Few can remember when Harry and Nancy first came to Congress. If listed, the list would be long with both Dems and Republican incumbents who have WON reelections more than three terms and many six or more terms. To our shame, many applaud and say at each reelection "At-A-Boy".

The corrupting effect of power has been know and written about since the early days of Greece. Once acquired, power is hard not to abuse. What makes this abuse so insidious is because it's always denied. The abuser plays his part, the liberal press plays their part, and we play ours. Our part is to trust, reelect, and feel disappointment. This current group has simply gone farther than previous congresses and their arrogance is so arrogant that it can't be denied or "spun" or hidden. Is their behavior so egregious, this time, that we will actually change our role in this play before it become a tragedy? This country is at a tipping point. This President/Congress wants us to change ourselves as free Americans to fit what their imagined political/social/economic America should be. The Health Bill is where they drew the line. So it will be "They" win and we lose. Or "We" win and they lose. Come November we will take up our big stick and march into the voting booth.

All the mighty nations throughout history have fallen through political suicide. Their suicidal demise always began through government's corruption of national and religious values. This destruction always begins by the discounting of a nations history. The national history say to each new generation who we are, who they are and how we got to where we are. This President in so many ways and in his short time in office has traveled the world discounting who we are by apologizing for America. Armed with a liberal congress this President began discounting each of us, the American people, directly by creating laws that limits our rights and freedoms.

We have not forgotten our heritage. We have not forgotten our values, nor have we forgotten the men and women who built this Nation.

Come November... Come November, get your stick and come with us into the voting booth.


(This President and Congress sees this WALL every day. How dare they discount the sacrifices our father, our sons, our Uncles and Aunts, our neighbors and their children have made. How dare he apologize for these sacrifices. How dare them.)

Take a few minutes. Click on the link below. As the song is sung scroll down the page along with the song.

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