Saturday, March 13, 2010

We are at the Brink

President Obama finally made it official yesterday: he wants Congress to ignore Senate rules - and the American people - and use a parliamentary trick called "reconciliation" to pass his health care takeover legislation. Fortunately, there's a catch: before the Senate can use reconciliation to force through Obama's tweaks, the House would have to pass the Senate health care bill.

In his remarks the president demanded that Congress cave in and vote "in the next few weeks." The key vote will now occur in the House of Representatives - perhaps as early next Saturday. (So they say.)

Speaker Pelosi will use every trick in the book to try and find the 216 votes she will need to ram through the health care bill passed "pre-Scott Brown" with 60 votes in the Senate back in December. This will be the key vote.

You remember the Senate bill... 2,700 pages of big government waste, fraud and abuse... corrupt back-room deals including the "Cornhusker Kickoff" to buy Ben Nelson's vote, the $300 million "Louisiana Purchase" to buy Senator Landrieu's vote... $1 trillion in new spending that will run up the deficit…(You can suspect an even greater dollars amount as the program ramps up.)

Tens of thousands of new government bureaucrats and dozens of new federal agencies... government medical boards will decide what medical treatments will be allowed. ... This vast new entitlement program comes at a time when current entitlements like Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are already on track to bankruptcy the Country and States. I could go on but we all get the picture.

Democrats in the House will try to justify their votes for the disastrous Senate bill based on vague promises that it will be "fixed" later. But no changes could fix this disastrous bill. The bottom line of this Health Care Bill is the federal government taking charge of the health delivery system. Given their track record we should be worried.

We must make sure the individual members of the House of Representatives know beyond a shadow of doubt what their "Yes" vote will cost them. Even if the house members who say they are a "NO" vote contact them with your support.

Call and email your member of Congress, time has running out. Let them know that no matter what else they will not be able to "reconcile" their "YES" vote with us.

Yesterday, the president actually said the nation is "waiting for [Washington] to act" on the health care issue. This is arrogance and political posturing at its worst. Every reputable public opinion poll for months has clear majorities of the American people saying "NO" to the health care "reform" coming out of Washington, D.C.

IF this Health Bill gets passed what will be next?

We may have seen "a sample of what's next" earlier this week. What was added to the Health Bill was the Government taking over Students Loans program… The President has said he believes every one should have access to a College education… The Government takeover of this program would have a price tag almost the size of the Health Care program.

The main stream press along with our liberal elected representatives really don't understand what all of our fuss is about… They see the purpose of government one way and we see it another. They cannot and will not look at what they are doing in any other way. That may be a good thing… There needs to be some balance in views… These are good people and good citizens… What has been lost over these last few election cycles is the balance and we cannot fix this till November… However, by November what will be needed is a swing to another "out of balance" so that some of these ("Obama, Pelosi, Reid) laws can be amended or overturned completely.

Lots of work and effort… Are we as a People up to the task and is the will of the People going to be the voice of the nation? The answer to this question has always been in our hands...

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