Monday, December 17, 2012


Although The Oxford Tea Party is still on vacation but I wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New year to everyone…. Maybe even add a though or two since I was at the computer. 

When I see the ducks on the pond I finally give in and accept that it's winter. The ducks are now on the pond every morning. Yesterday, I got the last of the one hundred and twenty trees and shrubs in the ground which finishes the landscaping for this year. Thank goodness, I can now turn off the irrigation wells, drain the lines, and call it quits till next spring.

Don't have any winter travel plans so far. Went to Costa Rica last year and hated it.  Americans are more or less targets in the many of the under developed countries so they are off our to-visit list. We like to escape the cold in January or February so there is plenty of planning time.

 Introspection: How much does it cost and where do I buy some?

Does time change principles, alter values, and does time move on?

The answer to these questions is , YES. (For some but never all.)

When we look around everything we see has changed. Even the cursed bathroom mirror tells us daily that we have changed as well as the skyline of our cities,  TV,  value of money has changed along with food and gas prices. Change is everywhere. Our best trick in managing this change has been to make judgments on what is acceptable to us or not acceptable to us in this changing world. So at best no more than half of what's going on is OK but the other half of the changes aren't and it leaves us anxious and angry.  On top of that is if the changes aren't acceptable to us , we don't want those to be acceptable to 'THEM" either. THEM is everyone else including the man next door, family members as well as our dually elected. It's everyday. It's in our faces nightly on our newscasts, newspapers, and discussions at the local coffee shop.

 The Tea Party finds its roots in this worry, fear, and anger. At the core of this last election what happened was not acceptable to Tea folks as well as many other conservative.  Obama being the icon of this change and change won.

In every experience, good or bad, there is the opportunity to learn. Usually if it is really bad the experience jars us enough to reevaluate our desires, wants, and beliefs. More often than not the opportunity to learn is lost through our denial and rationalizing trivial details of what should or shouldn't have been done by this or that candidate.  The outcome  of this  election created an undeniable and profound loss. The loss was our belief that conservative ideals, beliefs, and values were still most American's values and beliefs. Well, clearly they are not and there is no way we can make it so. This group of American citizens that don't hold what I call traditional values and beliefs is growing and is reflected in their voting numbers.

 There is another election is twenty three months. Who and what the Tea Party is  has been sullied and viewed as a liability by many voters along with a large group of politicians. We are seen as the extreme group within the Republican Party. Ask yourself if any politician will embrace the Tea Party support in the next election cycle. To hold the House and hopefully add a few senators in 2014, all the Republicans will rush to a more liberal center with a more centrist encompassing message. (This might be done without giving up 'smaller government' principles.)

For their own purposes the more conservative writers are turning out article after article  placing the blame for the loss on the mistakes they feel the campaign people made in their directing Romney…. Mistakes were made. So, are we to believe that Obama was reelected because of these mistakes? Not hardly. We ran a good principled man who lacked the ability to articulate a message that encompassed all Americans. Period…. 

Obama was/is seen as a strong leader with a vision and goals. Right or wrong that is the perception by majority of voters. Romney was seen as one more white, well educated,  nice rich male who didn't seem to understand that the campaign was a war. Certainly he was not perceived as a man of action. In times of trouble we look to a strong decisive leader. We all know people who just didn't vote. There was little enthusiasm inside the GOP or the Tea Party for Romney.

How far back can you remember people saying, "Oh, I voted for him because he didn't seem as bad as the other one?" That was in the background thinking of many voters in this election…. Surprise… How many men, just like Romany, has the GOP run for president in the last thirty or forty years. All lost and we wonder why. Looking back at this campaign the conservative vision was missing.

Within our families and friends we will find a whole bunch of people that want government to take care of them at one level or another.  They just voted. Even in the group that voted against Obama with their vote for Romney most want some level of active social government programs. We know this because this same group of voters keep reelecting the same good old boys and girls in both parties that created the warm fuzzy social caretaking programs…The story goes that one of the national political parties wants a smaller less intrusive government and not as many social programs as the other party. WOW...How does one measure the differences? By imagining there is a difference! 

I don't care very much how the rest of the world see us and I seldom read foreign press. But every now and then an article published half way around the world finds it way into my computer.

Here is a article from Czech Republic newspaper Prager Zeitungon.

 "The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of foolish voters that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama but less likely to survive the multitude of people such as those who made him their president."

Over the past three years I have suggested in numerous articles that the problems in our government is our responsibility. We elect someone and expect them to live up to their campaign talk. They don't… They run again and we reelect them again and again… Where and when do we realize we have to punish these people for failing us? After each of these articles I get a variety of comments. Such as  how dumb I must be to all the way to take me off your mailing list. At the core of our form of government is the notion, "A government for and by the people." Not one that is for and by the elected people. Somehow we have to get this straight. It is not their government it is our government.

Has anyone wondered why so many Republican voters stayed home in this election? The mantra had been that this election was the most important election in our lifetime. I'm sure there are at least three and a half million reasons why they  chose not to vote. (Maybe some of the three and a half million who didn't vote  had more than one reason.)  Many voters seemed to choose not to vote because they confused government and governing with their personal beliefs, social and moral values. The Republican voters who stayed home and did not vote did not connect the dots. They effectively voted for Obama. (While wailing and beating their chests about the current government.)

 Government is about protecting the people and the country as well as supporting social laws needed for a group of people to live together who have different values and beliefs.  At the core of the American experiment is personal freedom. You cannot have a free country where people are not free to make their own choices about their personal and family lives.

If the power of government is used to impose beliefs and values on certain citizens not only they but we also lose our freedoms. This is a very fine line and often we don't notice when its been crossed.  

Old Hebrew law and Muslim law gives the right and obligation to judge others.  One religion was not more strict than the other in terms of controlling the beliefs and behavior of their citizens.  What gets missed in this translation is the individual who is judging does not question the wrongness in their judging others. When HE was asked, the answer was simple, "He who is without sin cast the first stone."

Stones were cast during the last presidential primaries. We lost Newt Gingrich as a potential president because many could not get past their moral judgments.  He may or may not have won but he would have fought the fights and his beliefs very much aligned with conservative beliefs in governing. Primaries are sorting out process and I have no idea if his loss was a good thing or not. My sense is that the  national  GOP will shun any candidate that has a strong stance on conservative ideas of government. Clearly we lost two conservative men running for the senate in this last election over what was seen as  women's rights and clearly morally based. Abortion seemed to be the focal point  for  many in the Tea Party as well as many Christian groups. There isn't any reason to think this will not be an issue to the same voters next time and leading to the same political outcome. 

To what extent and in what areas of our lives are we willing for government to, through laws, dictate our values, morals, and behavior. Liberal voters don't want government involved at all in their private lives. Conservatives say the same with a big BUT at the end of the sentence. 

This is not a question of one side or the other giving in on social issues. It's a question of knowing what the reality is. Women won the right to vote in the early part of the last century. In the mid-sixties NOW was established and women movement began in earnest to assert women's rights in every area of family, community, business, and government. Women, as a whole,  never will, nor should they, give up any of the rights and privileges they have struggled so long and hard for.  Any politician, group, or national party,  who threatens any of their accomplishments will fail.  It’s a done deal.

What does this mean to the country, the economy, and our future? We can't draw on history for answers or guides. This has never happened before. It is the women's vote that will decide who will be elected in every election cycle.  Challenge them at your peril.

Our economy hasn't been good for the last couple of decades. Congress being congress they were able to hide so much of the slippage by tweaking the governmental systems and borrowing money. John Lenin said in a song, "One thing you can't hide is when you are crippled inside."

Our crippling process has been slow but consistent over many congresses and election cycles. The question facing government and the rest of us is do we want to  accept what we have done with our spending spree and pay the price that has come due or simply add it to our credit card? Hard core conservatives might say accept the consequence and pay the bill. However, when has American citizens or their politicians ever made difficult decisions unless they are pushed to the wall?
Most Americans do not have a clue as to what the financial cliff is…. Many of us have lived through a numbers of recessions. We know that the lower middle class  and the lower income earner, as well as the folks on social programs are the ones who are hit the hardest by recessions.

Our history tells us that Americans stand up for what is right, try and right every wrong, and will fight to protect their country…. The main difference between now and back then is we can't identify the enemy or who or what we need to protect the country from. If we jump back a few feet to get a better look we see that it is we the people. It can't be anything or anyone else. The American citizens  elected these government employees…. (Pogo: I have seen the enemy and it is me.)

Not just in America but in different parts of the world countries are dividing, floundering, many collapsing financially. The prayer President Museveni prayed for his country has a ring to it that resounds for so many people in so many countries around the world.

Ugandan's President Yoweri Museveni 

“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sin of idolatry  which is rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal.  Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict,”  So Museveni prayed a prayer for his nation.

Our opponents, whoever they may be, in this 'crash-the-nation' game imagines they have won. They imagine this because they don't understand that the outcome in this game is everyone loses. At the core this is a battle over the beliefs and values that were the foundation this nation was built on. This battle can never be over. These very issues have has been fought over many times in our history.  These are not just Tea Party values or conservative beliefs. These are basic American beliefs and are the only anchor we, them, and the nation have. 

Enough said….. Maybe too much…. Now lets take a look at one man's effort to say Merry Christmas….


Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Gray Morning

Naive… Dumb…Stupid… Out of touch… There are others things I could say about how I’m feeling about myself but most are unfit to print.

Everything I had thought about Romney as a candidate has been proven so. Everything I have thought about the national and local Republican Party has once again been proven so. I set aside common sense and simply went along once again.

In a strange way I have felt some relief this morning. I turned on the news at four thirty this morning and searched for the local weather report and not the latest political polls. Weather has a direct impact on our day to day life on our little farm. My granddad bought this place in 1921. I will be the third generation to live out my life here.

There is a sense of safety and beauty on our farm. When I decide to lock the front gate the world is right where it should be - which is outside. Although we are dependent to some extent on the outside basic food and shelter is here as it has been for almost a hundred years for my family. Doctors won't make house calls but most other needs are met through internet shopping. We seem to use it more and more along with the weekly trip to Walmart and dinners out.  Combined mileage for cars and truck was less than fifteen thousand miles last year and will be less this year. Other than paying local government rent in the form of taxes on the farm what goes on outside has little direct impact on our daily lives.

My involvement in this political campaign came about mostly because of the impact this president and this federal government has and will have on our children and grandchildren. Even though I know they will adapt and manage in this evolving socialist order, I really didn't want them to have to do so. The grandchildren will grow up under the new social norms and not know anything different.

This election has been helpful in that it has shown us the dollar amount the political elites in both national parties are willing to spend to protect their power. Most of the elected that has taken the country down this road are still in elected office and will continue to do what they have done while declaring, to all who will listen, that they are not the ones who are changing the American meaning of liberty and freedom.

By 2016 there will be so many citizens dependent on various government social programs there will not be any room for a conservative political voice. However, I am confident the GOP will find a white, wealth, moderate, middle aged man to run for president. He will be a nice man who will lose just like so many other milksop GOP selected candidates in the past. My belief is that the Tea Party was the last vestige of conservative America. (This election somehow reminds me of the Scopes trial.)

Citizens will be told that American new socialism is different from all the other nations’ socialism in that it will not betray its citizens. We were told this while we watched all the nations in Europe financially collapse.  

History repeats itself and so do politicians in their quest for personal power. Socialism is one of the best forms of government for them to hide behind.

I don't really feel bad for the young men and particularly women who voted for Obama. As their lives evolve their hopes of the middle class American way of life for them and their children, a way of life many grew up in, is out of reach. They will not connect the dots. They will not see the part they played nor take responsibility for their part in this election drama.

The average citizen’s attitude towards the Tea Party and its members tells a tale of effective political and media campaigning. It is now thought of as a radical group of dumb old folks who need to sit down and shut up.  We are defined, along with a few elected GOP members, as the people who interfere with social progress. That was our goal, in some sense, so they are probably right.

As a group there are many ways left to us to contribute to the future of the nation. We will still be able to vote and so long as we are not threatening the politically elite we will be tolerated.  I don't know how much energy or desire there is left within the Tea group but local town/county boards and elected offices could be a focal point.

In my readings many of the Tea Party web sites across the country it seems they are not what they were a year or so ago.  Lots of rabid articles and rabid commenter’s on these sites. I'm sure also that many people who read what I post on this The Oxford Tea Party web site see it as inappropriate also. Certainly supporting Newt was seen as a poor idea. This is not an apology because I knew him as a warrior and I believed this election was going to be a war. No one could accuse Romney of being a warrior and we knew this about him ‘out the gate’.  There is an adage that simply states, nice guys finish last. Who we might accuse for coming in last is the Republican Party at the national and local levels. The Party no longer walks or talks the core principles of conservatism. Their quest has been for power and the focus of their efforts has been to keep them in power.  That is not a vision or a mission for liberty and freedom. Try as they might the money and candidates could not sell their morphed version of the Reagan ideals.

We fought a good fight in this election. We lost. I don't want to recant American political history but we have had a number of presidents who were loved because they believed that America should become a socialist nation and worked towards that goal. FDR is the icon.  Obama is just one more in a long chain. There a difference now in that we have allowed presidents more and more power. Obama has and will use this power like none before him. He said to congress if you don’t act I will and he has. America will not come to end but he promised to change it and he will.

 I want to thank each person in the Tea Party for their individual efforts. This race is run.  The future will be a 'good time' for some and a ‘hard time’ for the many. The dependent underclass on social programs is growing along with their voting power. Their power will be used to grow the social programs. This is the writing on the wall. Everyone will still get a piece of the new American pie for a while. A much smaller piece for sure.

The bright side in all this is, if there is one, is that financial crisis, such as we the one we are facing, creates unique opportunities. We will just have to do lots of shoveling to find the pony.

Three years and one hundred and seventy three articles later The Oxford Tea Party web site is going to take a vacation.  Take a few steps back. Let some time pass and begin to rethink the question of, “What’s next.” November 6, 2012 was just the end of the current election cycle and the next one is only twenty four months down the road.

The countdown Election Day clock on my computer’s home screen just informed me that the time to the November 6th election has expired. The question the clock popped up asked, "Do you want to reset?" (I had to smile at its question.) How do you think I responded to my clock’s question?


Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Mother's Race

From Dreams Of My Father: President Obama

"I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

What are we thinking? What has happened to common sense? If businesses close people lose jobs. That is not a complex reality. If we impose too many regulations on our businesses and burden them with taxes they close the doors and/or move their plants out of the reach of our government. We have seen this happen year after year and regulation after regulation since Slick Willie got in office and signed NAFTA… But politicians don't connect (or can't) connect these two dots: Higher taxes and burdensome regulations close businesses and lose jobs.

T'was the night before elections,
And all thru' the town,
Tempers were flaring
Emotions ran up and down.

From 2000 to 2011, nearly 66,484 U.S. factories closed, and millions of skilled manufacturing workers lost their jobs. If I were to go back to 1990 to 2011 the numbers would be even more dramatic. We lost capacity to make drywall, steel, concrete, antibiotics, high-tech circuit boards---the list goes on.

I, in my bathrobe
With cat on my lap,
Had shut off the TV,
Tired of political crap

America once led the world in manufacturing. Now, much of our basic infrastructure needs are dependent on overseas producers. We don't have companies here that make socks, underwear, neckties, etc. We haven't made TV's, computers, mobile phones here in decades. We are even importing lots of our food…. If real disaster strikes, will we simply be unprepared?

When all of a sudden,
There arose such a noise,
I peered out my window,
Saw Obama and his boys

We have become a dependent nation. The greatest producing nation in the history of the world is now dependent on other nations for the most bassic consumer needs.

Government regulations, taxes, and unions have put us in this predicament. Socks, underwear, TV's. mobile phones, computers, and all the other things we need in our 'walking around lives' have now become a national security issue. That’s sounds like a funning things to say… Really it’s a sad thing to say.

They had come for my wallet,
They wanted my pay
To hand out to others
Who had not worked a day!

Our increasing dependence on foreign goods is very,very dangerous. A major part of our strength in America besides our faith came from the fact that we made what we needed. We could take care of ourselves. We grew all of our own food as well as proded our own oil. Therefore we didn't need anyone to help us out.

We got in our financial mess without a whimper. Shouted down by the liberal media and our duly elected, the warning voices, throughout the years, were ignored.

Tytler, way back in the early part of the 19th century, wrote about our democratic form of government: From bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and from dependence back to bondage.

His prediction has a strangely familiar ring.

He snatched up my money,
And quick as a wink,
Jumped on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink.

Hyman Minsky points out that the more comfortable we get with a given condition or trend, the longer it will persist and then when the trend fails, the more dramatic  the correction. The problem with long term  macroeconomic stability is that it tends to produce unstable financial arrangements. If we believe that tomorrow and next year will be the same as last week and last year, we are more willing to add debt or postpone savings in favor of current consumption. The longer the period of stability, the higher the potential risk for even greater instability when market participants must change their behavior.

He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart.
I could tell they were out
To tear the country apart!

What Minsky warns about is exactly what we voters have been doing during these last few congresses. Not one person reading this article runs their financial house the way our elected representatives have run our national financial house. AND yet we rationalize their behavior and leave them in office, and leave them in office. AND leave them in office creating tax burdens on families and strangling regulations and taxes on our businesses.

Even today the warning voices are being shouted down. BUT the whimpering is beginning and just behind the whimpering will come the rage. I am surprised the young folks with their college degrees and their student loan debts aren't out on the streets already. I assume they are not on the streets because they haven't paid attention to what their government has been doing… maybe their parents aren't paying attention either….

I hate putting numbers or charts in articles but sometimes just knowing what the numbers are is important even if we can't relate personally to the numbers.

The young graduates need to know the current government has created a debt for them to pay IF they ever get a job. The debt just passed $16 trillion (and that's not counting the $117 trillion on unfunded liabilities like Medicare and Social Security!)

OK, a trillion is hard to imagine…. Every day since the beginning of 2012  our government has spent 10.4 billion dollars each and every day. (Even a billion is a hard number to imagine.) The problem is we don't have 10.4 billion dollars a day to spend so we borrow 4 billion dollars from someone to make up the difference.

What should we do? The Iowahawk newspaper started pulling numbers together in an attempt to see how the debt can be paid along with the interest on the borrowed money.

Here are some of their ideas:

Start with two of the biggest and therefore 'most evil' corporation in America.
Exxon Mobil and Walmart, take every single penny of their combined 2011 global profits. No one will have a problem with that, because these "evil corporations" should pay! That number is $46.7 billion, which helps run the country from midnight January 1, 2012 to 12:45PM on January 5th.

Well, that is not enough….

So lets look at the other 498 largest companies in America and take all of their profits of $567 billion also… That gets us enough money to get us to 12:15 AM February 29. (If there is a February 29) BUT now we are close to the Super Bowl.

Just suppose we grabbed all the advertising dollars spent on Super Bowl ads? That is another 200 million…. Not really much there so let's say we grab all the money from Super Bowl ads over the last 46 years. Now we are talking … Another 5.2 billion. So all of this money still leaves us on the same day, February 29th.

I know all of this is silly but if you earned a million dollars a day and started in the year Christ was born and made the million ever single day up to 2012, you would not even be close to earning a trillion dollars. 

So college grads Obama and this government has just planned your life's work.

They took off for his cause.
And they flew out of sight,
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think on this one final note… If you don't want socialism, get out the votes!!! Author Unknown

Current Rasmussen poll:

Even with Americans poised to pick a president and one-third of the nation’s senators, most voters continue to feel the federal government does not have the  approval of its citizenry. One of the central tenets of the Declaration of Independence is that “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed,” but just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters think the federal government today has that consent. Sixty percent (60%) believe the federal government does not have the consent of the governed.

Before I hit the send key I just want to note the opening quote in this article from Obama's book about his animosity and grievance against all white Americans. In more than four years I cannot remember any in the political elite liberal media or conservative media noting the racist bias he clearly carries in his life. This bias has never been called into question nor has Obama been confronted about his other comments on America, its government, or the Christian white majority. Had anyone in the Tea Party made a similar remark about animosity toward blacks what the press would do in not really imaginable.

So before closing I want to add this footnote for Chris Matthews, who is the liberal media's watch-dog for all things racist: "I am not going to vote for Obama. Not because he is black but because he has failed in his job as president. Broken the trust that American voters gave him. Sullied the image of America in the eyes of the world and betrayed long standing friends around the world. His behavior in office has hurt the very minority groups who  have trusted him the most. If Obama was white I would be writing exactly the same thing."

8 days, 9 hours, 14 minutes until the polls open.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Few More Days

If we did not know or if we did know and simply didn't accept that very few voters/citizens do not make any effort to find out or understand what is happening within our government, within our economy, within our lives, this election cycle should drive us to a final and complete acceptance of this reality. Most have an idea of what they want the American way of life to be or believe it to be in a subjective way and simply rationalize, distort, and deny, any thing/everything they see, hear, sense to the contrary. Very much like the people who lived in matrix in the  motion picture Matrix. Where computer generated reality was created by the political elite, supported by all forms of information media and delivered from moment to moment and day to day and accepted by the citizens as reality.

Is this a good, fair and balanced definition of where this country and its people are?

No… There are still many seekers… Many who still remember and question the directions of the leaders over the last few decades have led us.  Where we find ourselves in this presidential election campaign is at a tipping point. No longer can  we or do we  believe a few changes here and there will make a difference. Our ship of state much like New York is under water. The foundation that our fathers built has been weakened. This campaign is not about Obama or Romney or Harry Reid or Nancy. It's about us. Like our fathers/mothers along with Tea Party members we have contributed  through the raising of our children, passing down beliefs and  values, producing good and services, paying taxes for the good of the whole, and supported our men  and  women in all levels of government.  That is how most of us have spent our lives.

Within the history of the world no people have worked so hard, stayed focused so long, and have contributed so much to the world. We are we…There hasn't been any group like us. What has gone wrong?  

Given our history along with our imagination and creativity we can change how we are being governed. We can do this...We can solve the financial problems but first the political problems must be solved. In a very heavy handed way  we must remind the people who we elected that they are 'short term' employees. Short term is the operative idea the politicians along with many of their supporters have not understood. Also, most of the rest of us forget this also.

We the people elect to office those who go to Washington and we the voters who hired them have no idea what they are doing. None…The question is, "What has gone wrong?" THAT is what has gone wrong.

In any business you hire someone. Screen the new hire and then watch what they do. If they don't do what they are hired to do you fire them. Many of us have experienced this simple reality with people who have worked for us. Yet, we don't apply this to the people we elected. Why?

The Tea Party is not a third national party….That was never the goal. It is possible that we already have two national parties too many… In my mind we in the Tea Party are emerging as the conscience of a failing political system. If we look at the current political system it seems to look the same as last year and the last century. Roll call is done ever day in the House and Senate.  Bills are written, committees meet, votes are taken, election are held, some members leave, some new members come in and everything looks the same but doesn't feel the same. 

We are left with a gnawing feeling that something is very wrong. What is wrong? We want to believe, that it is them, they, individually, and as a group that has caused our feeling of distrust. Certainly that has a ring of truth but not the whole truth.

The starting idea was that we wanted to be governed by a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The form we chose was a representative form of government and called it a democratic government. Not exactly the same but since we put term limits which requires elections every-so-often we thought that would somehow make a difference in what had been done/tried in the past. (History is littered with Rome (s) and its variations.) Well, low and behold, we have congressmen and senators who have been elected to office longer that twenty seven present of our population has been living. Continuing to fiddle while our nation, under the current president and congress, are assuring us each one them is doing the right things for us and the country.
On the whole we listen to their speechifying and reelect most of them.

So with this in mind where does the finger of failure point?

Most of us know/believe Obama has failed us as president. He is running again for another term and we find that about half of the population don't know or believe he has failed in his job. Close to half is a large number and the other half doesn't understand how the first half are measuring his success. The next six or so days will not answer that question regardless of the outcome.

The representative form of governments have failed because the people through out history have failed to be responsible. Men and women striving for personal power are what political candidates are, what they have been in the past, and what they will be in the future. Regardless of time and/or place throughout history these same political people have promised the voters they were not in politics for personal power but to help each of them. Voters continue to believe this basic campaign tactic. They do this because it serves them by relieving them of their personal responsibilities. The underlying promise is that the politician will take care of them. How does this basic principle in representative government continue to confound and confuse the voters?  

Each reader, at sometime in their life in someway, knows why and how they have made these same kind of the 'take-care-of-me' choices related to family, friend,  jobs, etc.  However, as we aged being taken care of became less and less of a goal  
for most but not for all and that is who makes up the other fifty percent.

For the past month each day Obama is out campaigning he is falling in the polls in most of the important states. Common sense would dictate that he should get off the campaign trail.  Which he did…. The storm gave him a cover. Team Obama being a clever group decided to send a likeable surrogate in his stead.  So they decided their best bet was a disbarred lawyer, who paid a 25K fine over a personal legal issue, 850K settlement sexual settlement to a young woman, a 90K fine for giving false testimony, an a 90K fine in another sexual defined case with another woman. A man who assures us Obama should  have another fours more years and who is loved by all. A sure vote getter. A man who stands shoulder to shoulder as an abuser of trust with the current president. The polls should leap….One way or the other.

From Audacity of Hope: President Obama Says

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

You have to wonder how the other fifty percent have been able to rationalize the character of our president. It is one thing for a black man to rationalize distrust of a white man but for an American President to say that his beliefs and faith would direct his allegiances against America is hard to accept but will not be forgiven or forgotten. The writers of our history will see to that. 

In the few campaign days left we may well see other news stories concerning Obama's character as well as his hidden agenda for America's relationships to the new governments in the mid-east. Of course he would not sent troops into Libya no matter who is at risk, or Iran, or Egypt, or any other Muslim country. (Read the above quote again.)

This episode in our national life, as destructive as it has been, is coming to an end.
I had predicted a 307 to 316 Electoral College in favor of Romney. Numerous comments believe I am low-balling this number. I hope these higher numbers they are suggesting are right and that I have made yet another mistake in my predictions. 

After the elections the hard work will be the day to day job of taking back our country… We will supply, in this election, the congressional voters needed but we still will not control their votes on issues concerning our goals of a government, once again, for and by the people. How are we going to do this? Will there be any energy left to do this job? 

Let me float an idea as a starting point: Lets us, in the Tea Party,  fund a central web site (one exist already) where information on every bill in house and senate committees are posted. Insist every representative and senator post what they are thinking about each bill. It doesn't matter if the bill is incomplete. Have a voting section on the web site tied to comment from us. That kind of information and exchange of ideas will allow us into the governing process. Also, it will help the elected to remember who hired them and what their job is about. Hopefully this would create a sense of working together. This may help. But if we don't find someway for us to stay connected to them and them to us we will be complaining again in twenty four months about the same things we have complained about in these last two election cycles. What we know is calling their office or sending e-mails does little if anything. 

Only 5 days and 10 hours left. There is still time to do a lot of ground work.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Hollow Man

I have been feeling left out….

It seems that most of the national media has a parade of "people-who-are-in-the-know" on all things political believe Obama is a well-meaning good president who should and will be reelected. Not one of the media companies has asked me what I thought or what I think about the president's leadership.

 This is not the first time this slight has happened. I have a few friends in the Tea Party's 'national media' who tell me they too have experienced the same kind of slights.

Something seems to be happening within that august inner circle of liberal sanctum. Both the New York Times and the Washington Post during the past few weeks have begun to put some distance between themselves and the president. I don't blame them for coming so late to the party. In their collected 'minds' they feel they need to be 'fair-and-balanced' in their reporting these last few weeks of the campaign. Certainly the LA Times will never do such a thing.  

In spite of the slight and still without any way to do a real "shout-out' across the country, here is my opinion of what November seventh will look like:

Romney will have an Electoral College count between 307 and 316…...

Before anyone runs to the bank with this 'hot' prediction know that I have on more than one occasion have been wrong. (Like when I predicted Obama would not win the last time he ran.)

However this time I am sure I am right. 

There is an old quotable adage about fooling some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all the time….Or something like it…. The some Obama can still fool do not know/understand that our national debt, under his leadership, has just reached $50,000.00 for each and every one of them and also all of the rest of us. (Children included.) They hear numbers but cannot/do not connect themselves to the paying off this debt.  This is like people in the third generation of welfare folks who do not know, care, or think about whose money is sent to them each month.  They are simply disconnected from this reality.

The 50K is important but not nearly as important as understanding Obama's real goals for the country. Obama is a hollow man full of rage against America's majority, white Christian Americans… He has said so in his writings which most have not read.

This may sound 'racist' but I can't tell you how much I had hoped he would be a successful president. However, on day one in office Obama took it upon himself to raise taxes on a carton of cigarettes seven dollars. Only congress has the power to raise taxes, was what I was taught, but no one complained. I wondered what would come next.

Now, after four years in office, we all can pretty well guess/know what comes next because we know a lot about this man's character. We use this term in any number of ways but the most common way is to apply a common set of values and beliefs along with the score on our trustworthy meter each of us carry around in our daily lives. So when anyone is lying, misleading, manipulating, conning us we sense what they are doing and our trust alarm goes off.

For Tea Party folks Obama sets off our 'trust alarm' and rightly so…. BUT not for all our voters…. Wonder why? They hear and see the same things we are hearing and seeing… Is it possible the Obama supporters have a different set of values and beliefs that are so different from ours? Have we, as a country, become this divided? Obama pitches to sub-groups and not most Middle Americans. I think these groups make up the better part of his base. There is a very large part of his base that is referred to as the liberal. It is this group, who in my mind, has caused the most damage to the nation. The failing education system jumps up first, the taxing and all of the other various departments in government who regulate our personal and business lives. Here is where we can see the differences in values and beliefs most clearly.   

We are crashing under the burden of the liberal ideals and it is these very ideals that allowed Obama to be elected.

The Tea Party folks as well as others have a general set of goals for the next congress and president. I think our goals are very similar to Romney's goals. I think he will hit the ground running BUT we must give him the senators he needs to work with him. Without control in the senate few things that are of importance can happen.

Let us put what little energy is left focusing on the senate races. This will be very close given what the polls are indicating. Akin and Mandel need our financial help quick… I mean like last week…. If a half million of us kicks in ten bucks I think both of these guys could win. AND we need these two to win. Not only do we need their votes in the senate but we need the folks they are running against out of the senate. 

Romney will have an Electoral College count between 307 and 316…

I am repeating my prediction because I had a good time pulling out the Electoral College map and running the numbers. Something you might like  to do also and it will give you a way to decide where you can best spend you last election dollars.

11 days, 8 hours, 9 minutes until the polls open. That’s it. That’s all the time we have left.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hard Times = Hard Choices = Hard People

    In our 'times' it is the liberal media, through their creative use of sound bites, that has the power to focus, control and direct a larger group of American voters.   Sound bites and TV ads work on the minds and hearts of voters. So often there is a broad use of the term 'liberal media' as if reporters and standout anchor men/women have the final say as to what is reported and what is said on their news cast.  The news companies Boards of Directors job is to make money for the stockholders and themselves. They decide company policy and agenda. They hire the people who will best carry out this agenda. Makes sense….. If the Board decides the liberal agenda draws an audience and therefore will sell more widgets they then will make more money from advertising. Makes sense….. So if you are Fox News you hire a person who sees the world in conservative ways and if you are CNN you hire someone with different personal biases than Fox news would…. This business plan evolves into a like minded viewing audience and allows advertisers a way to sell to that specific voter/consumer group..Good business practices…. OK, we now have a overview of how this works and the basic goals… ALMOST….

    I say "almost" because our news media have stepped over the edge of what are good business practices into destructive social engineering. This is a new and unique problem that is having severe national consequences and monumental moral ramifications. The Boards of Directors of the major media news corporations have decided their role in the elite political class is not to simply sell products but it's their job and duty to decide what their viewers should hear, know, and think. So it doesn't matter if the voter is watching say CNN, an anchor in the liberal media, or Fox loosely termed conservative media their goals are exactly the same, which is control, as best they can, what people hear, know, and think.

    We as viewers, have the sense we are exercising choice by choosing one of the elite  group over the other and this illusion is created because the rhetoric is somewhat  different between the liberal news media and candidates and conservative media and conservative candidates. However, the goal is not different between the two. As George Orwell pointed out, if you control the language, you control people's thinking; and if you control people's thinking, you control their actions.

     Alana Goodman's observation about the debate: "The debate was a bloodbath. . . . We were not seeing 30-second sound-bites hand-picked for us by Obama's journalism cheering squad, or teleprompter-assisted speeches, or dueling press conferences where Romney is grilled but Obama is treated with kid gloves. Up until now, the mainstream press has allowed this president to sit in a bubble, largely unchallenged. Their narrative is that he's likable, he's smooth, he's amazingly cerebral. As for Romney, he's been branded as stilted, out-of-touch, and phony. Amazing how that conventional wisdom collapses when you peel away the selective lenses and the outside chatter, leaving two men alone on a stage, armed with just their own words."Oct. 4

     Orwell was writing in the early part of the last century about government controlling the population by manipulating information. Wonder what was going on then and what he saw that led him to this realization? Whatever he noticed way back then is not being realized by most American voters who are the best informed people who have the most access to information in the history of the world. We are guided. We are directed. We are conditioned by government and the news media to accept what we are told as the truth. You would think these elected couldn't keep getting by with this same trick over and over. Our Vice President's performance last week was a wonderful example.

    Another wonderful example of elite media distortions:  Limbaugh said,This goes beyond simple incompetence or media malpractice.” “This is genuine corruption. We find out that — and from The Washington Post’s own pollster — that they based last Friday’s poll of Romney being [down] 10, 11, whatever it was — in those three swing states — on 160 people with a margin
     of error of plus or minus eight. I’m not kidding you.”“It’s important that you know about it because it’s — this is corruption,” he said. “I mean, for them to run that poll and try to present it as something serious — there’s no doubt here this has gone way beyond just bias. These people have thrown in with a political party. They’ve thrown in with a political party to the extent that they do not report news. They create the news they want people to hear and believe. They will not report news that is in any way they think harmful to detrimental to their side.”

    Star Parker, a columnist who post on the Townhall web site writes:

    The United States today is a nation that is much less white, much less married, and less traditional than it once was. These are growing trends and each reflects in at least some large part constituencies with values supportive of Obama’s world view - activist government and moral relativism.

    What was once the exception to the rule in America – not being white, not being married, not having traditional views on family, sex, and abortion – is now becoming the rule. And these constituencies are becoming sufficiently large to elect a president.

    National Journal released a poll right before the debate showing Obama and Romney dead even nationwide – 47 percent each – among likely voters.
    The poll shows Obama’s white support at just 38 percent.

    Obama was elected in 2008 with 43 percent of the white vote. It appears that he could be re-elected with even less.

    I love liberal dreams and hopes. I loved them when I was a young Democrat and still love them today as an old conservative. I want everyone to have what they need. I don't want anyone to go hungry. I want everyone to be taken care of if they are sick…. I want every child to have a opportunity in life to be all he/she can be. With this being said, I know that each of us have different abilities and some have many disabilities and it takes a creative government working with businesses and citizens in a national effort to focus all resources to make places within our economic system for every citizens no matter the level of ability. A place to work, to contribute, and support themselves and their families to the extent of their abilities. This is/was the American dream of yore… Is it gone? Was it lost or did  someone take it? In some distorted - convoluted way the ideals is still in the hearts and minds of each of  us. It is us. That dream is who we are.

    Simply, this group of elected in office at this moment, ain't them. We can't accuse any of the good-ole-boys in this group of having a creative thought, a sense of wrong, or any  awareness of their responsibility for the state of this union. These are the ones we must continue to send back home.

     2010 was a good start. We will do some more replacing this time around and in 2014 we can finish our house cleaning. Their story spinning days are at an end. We in the Tea Party have 'been learnt' and their placating day are over.

    I'm sure my drawing attention to Josh Mandel in these news letters is wearing thin at this point. I have encouraged everyone to take a look at Josh and his record in elected office. Watch some of his videos. Below is an article from a well thought of  newspaper in Ohio. The article draws the difference between the two candidates well.

    Vote for Mandel on Nov. 6
    The Marietta Times, Editorial
    October 13, 2012

    The role of U.S. senators is to represent their constituents' best interests in Washington. Josh Mandel, who has served Ohioans in the Marine Corps, the General Assembly and now as state treasurer, will do that when Buckeye State voters elect him to the Senate.

    Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, who is running for re-election against Mandel, views service to his party and its leaders as his top priority. That has meant Brown often votes against the best interests of Ohioans.

    Brown has been steadfast in his support of President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. He has been a staunch supporter of the national health care takeover - "Obamacare" - despite the cost to Ohio.

    If Obamacare proceeds, thousands of Ohioans pleased with the health insurance they have will lose it. Thousands of others will pay more for health insurance. Still others will be fined thousands of dollars for refusing to buy government-approved health insurance policies.

    Brown has supported the Obama administration's attempt to force electricity prices up by hundreds of dollars a year in most Ohio households, by wrecking the coal industry.

    About 82 percent of Ohio's electricity is generated at coal-fired power plants - several of which already are scheduled to be shut down because of the Obama administration's new rules. They will be replaced with higher-priced generating capacity.

    To understand what higher power prices mean to jobs in Ohio, consider the Ormet aluminum plant in Monroe County. There, more than 1,000 jobs may be lost because of electric rate increases.

    Mandel will use his Senate seat to defend Ohio. His philosophy calls for a repeal of Obamacare, substituting real health care reform.

    Mandel will reject the Environmental Protection Agency's war on coal, holding prices for electricity down.

    He will insist on fiscal responsibility in the Senate - which has not managed to pass a budget in 42 months.

    A fairer, more jobs-friendly tax code, a realistic energy policy including maximum use of American natural gas and oil, and support for basic rights such as that to keep and bear arms also are on Mandel's agenda. They have no place in Brown's thinking, as he has demonstrated during his time in the Senate.

    Ohioans need a senator to represent them - not liberals such as Obama and Reid. Vote Mandel in the Nov. 6 election.

    This is a pretty strong endorsement. Josh is now statically tied with Brown in the polls. I know we are all tired of sending money to candidates at this point but these next few weeks are critical to Josh and his campaign. (Brown has all the money from Mr. Reid that they think he needs to win.)

    The political polls in the swing key states are beginning to favor Romney. (Florida, Ohio, even Virginia) Could it be that the voters are beginning to wake up to who Obama is as a person and as the leader of the free world? Also, this morning a few of the national polls show Romney leading Obama… I can't imagine what the Obama campaign will do but given the history of Chicago politics we can expect unrelenting attacks against Romney personally in every media. If the next debate doesn't go well for Obama again I think that is when the onslaught will start.

    The film, Obama - 2016 is an important film for people to see. It can be bought on a number of Tea Party sites. If you haven't had a chance to see the film (and many haven't) buy a copy and invite friends over to watch it with you. Send copies to others and that will be the very best contribution, I can think of, that can be easily made at this point in the campaign. (along with money, of course).
    There is an old Delta blues song that has a refrain that goes:

    I seen hard time many time before
    But these hard times are hard, hard, harder than every before
    Hard time,
    Hard choices,
    Hard, hard people (Who never  go gently into that good night!)

    23 day, 3 hours, and 16 minutes from the  start of voting. So little time and so much left to do.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


ANNUIT COEPTIS: ….. God has favored our undertaking.

This is just a little note congratulating ourselves, Romney, and his staff.

This is the first morning, in I don't know how long,  that I opened the computer and felt some  relief from the stress of this presidential campaign. I thought Obama would be brilliant in the debate and he wasn't . I thought  Romney would be his flat self and he wasn't…. I am glad I was wrong on both points.

Now the game - is - afoot.

Obama reminded me of Carter in his debate with Reagan. With Obama simply repeating his talking points in an effort to distort the ideas Romney has been building on in his campaign.

I think it is possible for Ryan to do the same with Biden. Biden has become a caricature  of Biden. Who, over many years, seems to have become a hollow man. Just a good-ole-boy living out the last of his years in the senate.

I got a e-mail this morning which was written in large bold letters saying over and over: IT’S THE SENATE STUPID…IT’S THE SENATE STUPID…… I guess the writer thought I or we would have forgotten the senate race is almost as important as the presidential election.  If we don't get control of the senate Harry Reid will keep doing what Harry has been doing. Harry can limit what the President and House members can do….

Below is a list of candidates we must support. We need all of these men/women in office. Some are running behind and All need campaign money. If all of us send 5 dollars to each candidate it would make such a impact. These last thirty days will tell the tale. The Dems sent out request for donations right after the debate last night. (I guess they thought the liberal voters would be worried enough after Obama's performance that they would, out of desperation, willingly send money.)

Josh Mandel (Ohio)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Jeff Flake (Arizona)
Richard Mourdock (Indiana)
Deb Fischer (Nebraska)
George Allen (Virginia)
Tom Smith (Pennsylvania)
Dan Bongino (Maryland)

Obama (our current president) says:  

I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Somehow, given who Obama is as a person, we elected him. What a blight this will be on our history.
